Corporate Finance
Canada's richest people 2017
By anna smith
May 19, 2020
undefined mins

Canadian Business has collated its 18th annual ranking of the wealthiest individuals and families in the country. We summarised its findings:
1. Thomson Family
Net Worth: $39.13 billion
2. Galen Weston
Net Worth: $13.22 billion
3. Saputo Family
Net Worth: $10.61 billion
4. Rogers Family
Net Worth: $9.13 billion
5. Garrett Camp
Net Worth: $8.93 billion
6. Joseph Tsai
Net Worth: $8.27 billion
7. Irving Family
Net Worth: $7.65 billion
8. Desmarais Family
Net Worth: $6.71 billion
9. Richardson Family
Net Worth: $5.95 billion
10. James Pattison
Net Worth: $5.74 billion
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SOURCE: [Canadian Business]