Health Canada to receive $432mn in marijuana legalisation fund

By zaymalz malz

In the wake of Ottawa having released its economic statement for fall, it has been revealed that $526mn in funding has been designated to handle the issues related to the legalisation of marijuana over the next five years, with a majority $432mn to go to Health Canada.

The other governmental agencies that will receive funding include the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ($68mn), the Canada Border Services Agency ($40mn) and Public Safety Canada ($6mn).

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The new round of funding will also see a further $36.4mn put towards a cannabis education and awareness campaign, in addition to the previous $9.6mn that was announced in the 2017 budget, bringing the total investment in this to $46mn.

“We are tackling the issue of cannabis use with long-term investments in our education and awareness efforts,” said Ginette Petitpas Taylor, the Canadian Health Minister.

“We want to make sure all Canadians, particularly our young adults and youth, understand the health and safety risks of cannabis. These efforts also aim to equip parents and teachers with tools to have meaningful discussions with young Canadians about the risks of cannabis use.”

$22.5mn of the additional $36.4mn will be committed to the first two years, with a further $13.9mn to be divided amongst the subsequent three years.


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