Netflix Canada to increase fees in bid to fund upcoming shows and films

By tarvicn vicn

Netflix Canada has announced plans to increase its fees for monthly subscribers.

The company will use the additional finance to fund new TV shows and films, along with improvements to the service, BNN Bloomberg.

The firm will raise its standard plan to $9.99 per month, with the standard plan and the premium plan increasing by $3 to $13.99 and $16.99 per month.

The rise in prices is effective immediate for new customers, with existing customers to be informed of their new bill through email in the coming weeks.


“I would not be surprised to see some churn out of the gate in Canada given the per cent increase on the standard service,” stated Jeffrey Wlodarczak, Analyst at New York-based Pivotal Research Group.

“However, given the still very low cost of the service and the lack of real alternatives, I would expect NFLX to eventually see most of those that churn return,” Wlodarczak stated through email, according to BNN Bllomberg.

Netflix’s last price increase affected most plans around 18 months prior to the recent announcement, with the costs rising by $1.


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