Survey sheds light on Canada's attitudes towards indigenous business

Eight out of 10 Canadians acknowledge indigenous businesses strengthen the country’s social fabric, a new survey found.
Sodexo Canada produced an Indigenous Business Survey in order to expose attitudes about indigenous businesses. Among other results, Sodexo found that 77 percent of Canadians recognise the importance of thriving indigenous firms to the generation of sustainable economic opportunities for indigenous people.
"The success of Indigenous businesses clearly matters to Canadians," says JP Gladu, CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB. "The fact that Canadians expect the private sector to step up with action to help Indigenous entrepreneurs sends a powerful message to decision makers. This broad public support will also fuel the optimism of Indigenous business owners. The role that procurement can play in offering a hand up could incentivize businesses to champion and encourage Indigenous business inclusion at all levels of business interaction and participation."
The study also found that:
- 81 percent agree Canadian corporations should include indigenous owned and operated businesses in their supplier networks whenever possible.
- 73 percent think Canadian corporations should help Indigenous entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level.
- 7 in 10 Canadians (71 percent) believe that on-going supports for Indigenous companies, such as training and mentoring, should be a long-term strategy for Canadian corporations.
- 69 percent think companies doing business on or near First Nations, Inuit and Métis lands should obtain services from Indigenous businesses whenever possible.
- 73 percent agree that indigenous businesses have much to offer the Canadian economy.