4 tips to transform inactive leads into fresh opportunities

By Adam Groff

If you've been at the marketing game long enough, then you already know how important it is to nurture your leads.

The question is, what kind of special treatment should you give inactive leads in order to make them active.

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With active marketing in mind, here are just a few ways you can handle inactive leads:

1. Define your inactive leads

This may sound like common sense, but a surprising number of marketers and business owners lump all of their leads into one category.

Not only does this mean your inactive leads are getting the same marketing campaigns as your active ones, it also means you're wasting a lot of effort on leads that aren't persuaded by your current techniques.

Before you do anything, first define and separate your active leads from your inactive leads.

The process is fairly easy and, once you have the two groups separated, it becomes much easier to target your inactive leads and revamp your campaigning efforts.

As for your active leads, just keep doing what you're doing.

2. Change up your marketing channels

With your inactive leads in a group all their own, you can begin to cater to their specific needs.

There might be a number of reasons your inactive leads aren't responding to your campaigning efforts. One place to start troubleshooting is with the marketing channels you're using.

If you've only been using email marketing, try switching it up to social media marketing. If social media isn't doing the trick, try a mobile marketing approach. Don't be afraid to take advantage of multiple marketing channels at once.

The article, "Marketing to Inactive Leads - Why Don't They Respond?" recommends using everything from your social networks to surveys to podcasts and webcasts to grab the attention of inactive leads. Give all of these options a shot and find out what works.

3. Don't neglect the call to action

Marketers the world over are trained to put the call to action front and center. However, sometimes a call to action can lose its punch if it's buried deep within your marketing campaigns. A neglected CTA may also be the cause of the inactivity with your leads.

That's why you need to make sure your call to action is in the spotlight with each and every campaign.

In addition, also make sure there are obvious outreach options within your CTA.

Whether it's an email, short code, or phone number, the only way your inactive leads will become active is if they have a way to contact you.

4. Offer incentives

Did you ever consider that it might not be your campaigning techniques, but rather the campaigns themselves that are turning away leads? If your marketing campaigns are falling short, you may need to sweeten the deal with a few incentives.

By including special offers, promotions, coupons, or even upcoming sales dates in your campaigns, you'll grab the attention of your inactive leads.

Likewise, you'll probably see an increase in sales with your active leads as well.

If inactive leads are getting you down, turn things around by taking advantage of the pointers mentioned above.

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About the Author: Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including marketing and lead generation. This article originally appeared on our sister site Business Review Canada.



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