4 ways to give your online brand a confidence boost

By Adam Groff

As a small business owner, you're already well aware of how much competition there is in the online arena. That's why it's so important to reinforce your brand while reaching out to the online masses.

Here are just a few ways you can make sure your small business takes its online branding efforts to new heights:

1. Put Your Logo in the Spotlight

Every small business has a calling card: its logo. If your business doesn't have an exciting, eye-catching logo, then it's time to design one.

Your business logo defines your brand, so make sure it clearly represents your small business. You don't have to reinvent the Nike swoosh, but you should make your logo unique.

Coming up with a great logo is only part of the online branding game. Once your logo is ready to go, you then need to put it in the spotlight as often as possible. For example, you can include your business logo on all of your correspondences including your emails and online marketing materials.

Likewise, if your small business uses promotional products for marketing purposes, make sure you include your logo on those items too. Whether online or not making your business logo a focal point will help reinforce your brand.

2. Leverage Social Media

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and others are great places to introduce your brand to a massive online audience. The article "These 8 Simple Things Will Reinforce Your Small Business' Brand Online" mentions the importance of leveraging social media for brand building purposes.

By posting topics that relate to your industry on social media as well as sharing information that's specific to your small business, you can quickly reinforce your brand. Just make sure you're consistent with your posting efforts, put your logo in the spotlight, and be as relevant as possible with all of your social outreach.

3. Take Advantage of Content Marketing

Both social media and your small business logo fall into one important category: content marketing. By increasing your content marketing, you can increase the online presence of your small business, which helps reinforce your brand.

Creating engaging and informative marketing content will help draw in new customers and keep your current customers coming back. You can focus your content marketing on social media, your small business blog, or any other online marketing routes such as email marketing.

4. Be Consistent With Your Branding

Consistency with your social media activities and marketing content is important, but it's crucial to be just as consistent with your actual branding materials.

If your branding and marketing materials look different from one outreach attempt to the next, your online audience won't know where your business is coming from.

By using the same graphics, the same logo, the same color scheme, and even the same font in all of your branding materials, you'll create familiarity with your customers. This type of online familiarity is the fastest way to build and reinforce your brand.

About the Author: Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including online marketing and branding.   


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