Amazon’s ecommerce market share predicted to rise to 43.5% this year

By Pouyan Broukhim

According to data from eMarketer, cited by Recode, Amazon could be responsible for nearly half of all online sales in the US in 2017.

The data predicts that Amazon will see its market share rise to 43.5% this year, with the firm’s sales expected to grow 32% to $196.8bn for the year.

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This is up from the $149bn in sales that Jeff Bezos’ company recorded in 2016, with Amazon having accounted for 38% of total online sales in the US last year.

No other company compares to Amazon in the US, with the likes of Ebay, Apple and Walmart all following significantly behind.

In 2016 Ebay held 7.8% of total ecommerce sales, Apple 3.2% and Walmart 2.8%. Further, eMarketer has predicted that Ebay, Amazon’s closest rival, will see its market share drop to 6.8% in 2017.

With estimations that total US ecommerce sales will rise to $452.8bn this year, it seems that Amazon will continue to tighten its grip on the market, coming out as the main beneficiary, whilst its competitors will continually fall behind.


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