Five tips to improve your marketing in 2014

By Bizclik Editor

The September edition of the Business Review USA is now live! 

By: Adam Groff 

The New Year could mean new and exciting things for your business's marketing as long as you're willing to revamp.

Marketing techniques change almost on a daily basis and if you want to stay current when 2014 rolls around as well as keep up with your competitors, then it's out with the old and in with the new in terms of marketing strategies.

With marketing refinement in mind, here are five tips to improve your business's promotional efforts in 2014:

1. Redefine Marketing Diversity

If you only follow one tip when it comes to improving your business's marketing for the New Year, then make it marketing diversification. What this means is utilizing every channel possible to get your promotional and advertising points across. So, make sure you're content marketing across all platforms.

Also, keep creating valuable content that's relevant to your brand and your customers, but make sure that content is diverse enough to flow across all media platforms - especially social media. Besides, content marketing and social media are quickly becoming dependent on one another.

2. Aim for a Massive Audience, but Cater to the Individual

As stated above, diversity is essential to marketing success, especially considering radio and television marketing is quickly becoming a thing of the past for businesses both large and small. In the event you want to target a massive audience, then online and mobile marketing is the future.

But, just because your marketing to the online masses doesn't mean your message has to be generic in nature. Catering to individual wants, desires, and needs it’s what builds trust and ongoing customer relationships. As a result, make your marketing campaign large enough to reach a global audience, but small enough to tailor to niche audiences.

3. Never Underestimate the Power of Images (and Videos)

Whether it is photo-heavy blog posts or content marketing with supporting images, content that appeals to the visual senses will simply draw a larger audience.

Sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Buzzfeed are proof that pictures are worth a thousand words, which is exactly why your marketing should utilize the visual medium.

Likewise, video is a marketing miracle worker, especially when your business's marketing videos are unique and engaging enough to go viral. But, even if it's simply to promote your goods and services, introduce your employees, or give product tutorials, video is quickly finding its place in marketing for 2014.

4. New Design for the New Year

Marketing design is fast becoming the focal point for company branding, so it's imperative your business put just as much effort into campaign design as the branding itself.

After all, your marketing design is equally as defining as the message your business is trying to get across. Due to that, just remember that the New Year means a new design.

5. As Always, Keep it Brief

No matter what form of marketing your business goes with or what avenue your campaigning takes for the New Year, the shorter the better.

With attention spans dropping like the ball in Times Square, content that's short and sweet is more likely to be read from beginning to end. It's just that simple.

By following the tips above, your business will improve its chances of starting 2014 off right with a reinvigorated marketing strategy.

About the Author: Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including social media, bookkeeping, and small business.


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