Is it time to move on? Signs you may need to leave the world of business

By qqtqtqt etqt

Do you still enjoy going to work every morning? Or do you dread pulling into the parking garage of your office building? You may be the CEO of a company; you may be quite successful and well received in the business community. However, you may also not enjoy what you get paid to do on a daily basis. Mohamed El-Erian, Andy Chen and Doug Rathbone are just a handful of CEOs who have resigned from profitable companies in the past.

Whether you’re feeling burnt out or the name of the game has changed—it may be time to move on. Here are some signs that it might be time to find new employment.

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You no longer believe in the company

A major sign that it’s time to leave your current job: you no longer believe in the company and what it stands for. As mentioned in a previous article, you should not only enjoy what you do, but also believe in what your company is trying to achieve. After all, if you don’t particularly like your current job or agree with its agenda, how do you expect to properly do it?

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Your performance at work is declining

If your work performance is suffering and you don’t really care, then you need to find a new job. You may not like your current company or believe in what they are doing, but it’s not fair to stay and not properly do the work that is expected of you. When you’re at work, it’s important and only right to be productive. If you’re not being productive but are quite capable of the task, then it’s time to move on.

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Utilize your skills

Are your various skills being tested? Everyone has something they’re good at—skills they’ve been taught, born with or able to perfect over the years. If your skills aren’t being utilized everyday at your current place of employment, then consider finding new work. The skills or talents you possess should be used, groomed and taken advantage of. Whatever you decide to do, don’t let your skills go unnoticed or go to waste.

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You’re expected to do more for less

If your duties at work have changed, but you haven’t received an increase in pay, then it might be time to find a new job. Sure, you can’t ask for a raise every time you’re given a new assignment. However, if more and more is being expected of you, then it’s most likely time to evaluate your current salary. After all, you were originally hired to do a certain job and your income reflects that job. If you’ve been given more work, but not more money, then it’s time to move on or ask for a raise.

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