Social Media: A Cultural Investment

By Bizclik Editor


Are you prepared to move forward into the next phase of marketing your company? Here are tips on how a business can use social media to attract new employees, distribute newsletters, share product information and build a community. Think of it as a cultural investment rather than a financial investment.

The same principles apply in social media marketing. There must be an identified goal and a set plan for implementation and continuity. The target group or audience must be identified and pursued.  The plan must be cohesive with overall marketing efforts. Through social media, you can create a better company image and more effectively promote your brand while providing a higher level of customer service. You will also create a stronger sense of familiarity, trust and creditability among your audience. 

As a company leader, I’m sure you’re asking yourself how this can help build image, revenue and interaction with influencers. The truth is a good social media marketing plan can produce these types of results. But it’s important that you start planting the seeds now so you will experience the growth.

Here are some examples:

Image – Many times we draw first conclusions regarding a company and its product. In some cases that image could be positive or negative. It depends who sat across the table from us and how our personal experience was perceived. Through social media, you gain control over how you want to manage your image. It delivers worldwide continuity. Ultimately, it helps illustrate to the world who your company is and why you are a strong player in the market.

Revenue – Every time you share or exchange information with a connection, consider it free advertising. The more familiar others become with your company, the more likely they are to reference your brand when they hear of someone in need of your services. We all love to give advice and provide guidance to our community. More and more buying decisions will be made this way. You have the opportunity to influence buyers by building relationships that exponentially link you through the social media chain.

Interact – If you can hire and attract talented people through social media, deliver news about your philanthropy, create community for customers to post questions and share ideas while promoting your brand and delivering your messages instantly, then why not?

Carolyn Martin is the Founder of Social Media Demand. The company focuses on providing digital marketing solutions. They create campaigns and promotions for their clients on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For more information go to


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