Social selling is changing the B2B landscape

By Bizclik Editor

Written by Rob Begg


No matter what industry you’re in, if you work in B2B sales, we believe that social selling is going to change the way you do business. Why? It’s because we live in a world that has already embraced social media and has seen social media change already dramatically change marketing, customer service, and human resources. Sales is next.

For years, sales strategies have been based on concepts like the 4P’s and the AIDA sales model. While these concepts still have a role in the way we sell, buyers have already adjusted to today’s technology and are forcing business to think differently.

We know that buyers are doing more research before they make a decision and we know that buyers are more skeptical of sales professionals than ever before. We also know that buyers are spending more time using social networks and technology to help guide and shape their buying decisions. It’s here where we have an opportunity to drive real results.

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Here are three ways that social selling will change B2B forever:

Research shows that social selling works

A 2012 study, The Impact of Social Media on Sales Quota and Corporate Revenue, found that using social media in sales increases your ability to close deal. The report found that 78.3 percent of salespeople who use social media outsell their peers who do not.

Numbers like these make a very compelling argument that social media is a leading factor in today’s sales landscape.

The old way of doing business is broken

Recent studies show that 84 percent of decision makers in B2B are starting their buying process with referrals. Figures like this indicate the importance of building meaningful relationships with clients, colleagues, and peers before you need them. It’s through social selling software like Introhive that give teams an opportunity to identify and deliver the most effective referrals possible.

Prospecting is easier & more effective

Social media profiles have become the new way to get to know a prospect or a competitor.  Your competitors, prospects and even current customers are using social media to engage and share on a daily basis. The insights from the conversations and interactions they have online can be a sales person’s secret weapon.

It’s this information that is at the backbone of social intelligence and can allow sales teams to put ensure that their focus is on the right people at the right time with the right message. 

A recent study conducted by CSO Insights found that effective use of sales intelligence increases revenue productivity per sales rep by 17 percent. Using channels like Introhive, organizations can leverage big data to make smarter decisions and make social selling real.


About the author

As Introhive's CMO, Rob Begg is responsible for making sure sales has the leads, tools, and awareness needed for success. Prior to joining Introhive, Rob was vice president of product marketing for's Marketing Cloud. With almost two decades' and five start-ups' worth of marketing and sales enablement experience, Rob is often sought to speak and comment on social, content, and online marketing in high-growth business.


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