Best of 2014: Tips for Success

By Shane Watson

New Year’s Eve is often thought of as a time to hit "reset." A metaphoric rebirth of the soul, a new year carries with it the promise of hope and the chance for a new beginning. Now is the time to make changes to improve whatever is inadequate in one's life. When the clock strikes 12:00 a.m., all of our resolutions will be, well, resolved. Clean slate for all!

If only that were true. The fact is that despite having the best of intentions (we assume), a mere 8 percent of Americans actually followed through with a self-made promise(s) in 2013. The anticipation of a life-altering moment can bring with it overwhelming pressure: people often set multiple goals attached to unrealistic milestones and expectations, and are surprised when they are not achieved.

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Instead of subjecting yourself to the added pressure and risk of disappointment, resolve to be realistic this year by not creating resolutions; instead, simply establish habits.

Think about the countless lists that have come across your desk (or screen) with tips, tricks and even “secrets” for success—chances are, some of the suggestions actually made sense, so why not start there? Pick a few pointers that resonated and seem feasible. Incorporate daily habits for success and focus on your continued progress rather than the latest New Year’s fad.

Not sure where to begin? We can help! Here are five business tips collected from a variety of Business Review USA articles: Some are about you, and some are about your business—but all are beneficial.

  1. Plan ahead. Mornings tend to be a frantic time, but rather than start your day panicked or stressed, you should feel determined and prepared. To help achieve this, take time at the end of each work day to review your schedule for the next. Prioritize pending to-dos, confirm (or reschedule) any meetings, and make sure you leave today with a clear plan for tomorrow’s success.
    Excerpt taken from: “Make the most of 10 minutes.”
    Read the entire article here

  2. Do one thing at a time. Stop trying to do 15 things at once! If you are constantly bouncing between different tasks and projects, you will find it almost impossible to adequately focus on even one. Many people confuse productivity with volume but let’s be clear: Doing 12 tasks badly is worse than doing five well.
    During the plan-ahead period, estimate how long each project should take and monitor your progress along the way. Chunking tasks and creating milestones within each is a great way to stay on-track.
    Excerpt taken from: “Top ways to boost your productivity at work.”
    Read the entire article here

  3. Hire people you trust and delegate strategically. Letting go of the reins (or even loosening your grip) is a difficult yet vital step for most successful companies: No matter how good you are, you cannot do it alone—at least not as well as you’d like. In addition, delegating responsibility isn’t as simple as hiring someone off the street and giving them a bunch of tasks.  Effective delegation requires an intimate knowledge of oneself.  You must understand your own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in order to identify where additional manpower is needed as well as what type of people to hire.  Ideally, your employees’ personalities should mesh well with your own (you’re going to spend countless hours working together, after all) and their strengths should complement your weaknesses.Time to be introspective.
    Excerpt taken from: “Five effective growth strategies for entrepreneurs.”
    Read the entire article here

  4. Fail**. Yes, overachievers, we said it: Fail. And don't just give yourself permission to fail— actually do it. Go out there, take risks and prepare to fall on your face, because it's the only way you're really going to learn anything. The lessons you learn from those failures will be the ones that propel you to success. Throughout our careers we proverbially fall down, suffer through bruises and scrapes, and perhaps even (literally) shed a few tears; however, perseverance and tenacity, honed with hindsight-based perspective, can turn almost any failure into a valuable tool for continued career advancement.
    Excerpt taken from: “How to take risks in business and win.”
    Read the entire article here
    **Editor's Note: We do not actually recommend adding failure to one's daily routine...don't be so literal!

  5. Eat. This one should really go without saying but sacrificing a meal (or three) is quite common in corporate culture, so we’re leaving it in.
    Would your car start without gas? Would you let your children leave the house without something in their tummies? No, because both need energy to properly function—energy that comes from fuel, i.e. food (or gas in the case of the car). So why do you think you are any different? Starting your day off with a healthy, balanced meal not only helps physically, it also helps to sharpen your mind and improve mental performance. Keep it light (food comas are the opposite of helpful), but keep it in the routine.
    Excerpt taken from: “Start your day successfully—everyone else does.”
    Read the entire article here


Cheers to a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!


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