Canada looks to Eastern Europe in free trade deal with Ukraine

By awrara ra

Businesses in Canada and Ukraine will soon be able to benefit from a free trade deal between the two nations.

The Canada-Ukraine Business Forum will be held on June 20 in Toronto, at the Toronto Congress Center.

The forum will provide a unique opportunity to meet key Ukrainian and Canadian political and business leaders. It will be the platform for discussing the opportunities that will be brought by the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement.

Global Affairs Canada and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, in partnership with the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and the Conference Board of Canada, have issued invitations to the Canada-Ukraine Business Forum.

An important delegation of senior government officials and business leaders from Ukraine will take part in the forum, which will focus on four key sectors: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT); Agriculture and Food; Infrastructure and Logistics; and Energy Efficiency and Renewables

The forum will be held within the framework of the Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support project (CUTIS). This is a five year project sponsored by the government of Canada to increase trade and investment between the countries. The project is being implemented by the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and the Conference Board of Canada.

More information can be found at www.

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