[Infographic] The top skills of modern leadership

By Tomás H. Lucero

Leaders are necessary everywhere, not just in the workplace. It’s in the workplace, however, where we butter our bread, so leadership positions are very important. Leaders provide many intangible services to an organization. For example, leaders inspire, provide vision and teach. Leaders must also adapt to history. The leadership skills of Julius Caesar or Napoleon were ideal for their time in history, but might be rejected today. The market has changed too. It’s become global and much more competitive. Financial events and trends launch and sink enterprises from night to day.

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Consumers today are also very different. Largely due to the internet—but only because of it—they are much savvier. Not only are they empowered to find information, but they are more motivated to do so. Most consumers don’t want to give business to an organization with a reputation for price gouging or harming the environment. As a result, today’s business leader must be sensitive and responsive to ethical standards. One media scandal can destroy a brand.

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In the following infographic created by New England College, we look at these themes and issues. According to this pamphlet, one of the major constants of the contemporary business environment is rapid change. Modern leaders must know how to handle drastic changes in direction. In the middle of a crisis, they must be able to unify the workforce behind a renewed vision of the future. Since rapid change is the business constant, cultivating a culture of change is fundamental, and it’s easier said than done. However, this graphic sheds some light on this.

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