McDonald's Canada Invests $1 Billion to Transform Brand

By Bizclik Editor


McDonald's Canada announced today its plans to invest $1 billion in store brand transformation. The largest brand renovation made throughout McDonald’s history, the company plans to invigorate the look, feel and function of 1,400 restaurants across Canada.

The transformation will not only make the front counter more inviting and relevant to the restaurant environment, but will also change the experience behind the counter to build infrastructure that facilitates menu evolution and enhance customer experience.

"This is a pivotal time for McDonald's and we're placing unwavering focus on transforming the face of our brand," said John Betts, president and CEO of McDonald's Canada. "Strong and sustained business results have put us in a unique position to make this historic investment in improving restaurant ambiance, enhancing service and supporting our continued menu evolution."



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McDonald's Canada plan to make their locations more contemporary with new interior and exterior design models. Adding additional features to the restaurant such as free unlimited wi-fi, separate dining areas, fireplaces, and flat screen TVs, McDonald's Canada is definitely getting an upgrade.

"McDonald's is changing as our customers' needs are changing and we're committed like never before to staying connected and relevant to them," added Betts. "We believe we're pulling all the right levers to remain a compelling and favourite dining destination for a growing number of Canadian customers, now and into the future."

These changes will occur in more than half of McDonald's Canada locations by the end of 2011, with plans to continue renovations throughout 2012. 


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