Small Appliance Recycling Program Launches in BC

By Bizclik Editor


Need to recycle those used and broken small appliances but don’t know where to bring them? Starting October 1st, British Columbia is implementing its new recycling program, Unplugged.

Offering over 100 convenient drop off locations throughout BC, Unplugged will prevent an estimated two million small appliances from heading to the landfill. A direct result from the Canadian Electrical Stewardship Association, the Unplugged program is unique in Canada and is the only government approved small appliance recycling program throughout the BC province.

Consumers will be able to submit more than 120 small appliances to recycle including toasters, electric toothbrushes, countertop microwaves, alarm clocks, air fresheners, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.



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"This is a welcome addition to B.C.'s industry-managed and funded recycling programs," says Brock Macdonald, Executive Director, Recycling Council of British Columbia in a statement. "By diverting small appliances from municipal waste streams, Unplugged will recover valuable resources, promote conservation and reduce waste management costs for local governments throughout the province."

The program also boasts energy savings, recycling materials such as aluminum and steel which takes a larger percentage less of energy to recycle than to create from scratch.

"We are proud to see that the small appliance industry has developed a program to help British Columbians recycle their products and keep them out of the landfill," says Environment Minister Terry Lake. "Unplugged will add to an already impressive list of 12 other product stewardship programs currently operating in the province for everything from beverage containers and tires, to electronics and batteries. These programs have helped put B.C. on the map as an environmental leader and we are happy to continue this tradition." 


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