Tesla posts record number of vehicles produced over a quarter

By erptre fusion

Tesla released its Q3 vehicle production and deliveries figures on 2 October, revealing its best output figures over a quarter to date

The good news will be welcome for Tesla following consistent doubtful scrutiny over the electric vehicle firm’s ability to meet production targets.

Over Q3, Tesla produced 80,142 vehicles and delivered 83,500.

Its production figures are 50% higher than the previous record high in Q2 this year, with 53,239 Model 3s and 26,903 Model S and X vehicles meaning the firm hit production target ranges for all three of its main cars.

This is in spite of the firm having changed Model 3 production from an entirely rear-wheel drive design to a near-entire dual motor system at the beginning of Q3, adding a new level of complexity.

Tesla added that its Model 3 production in the final week of the quarter means that Tesla has “achieved a production rate of more than 10,000 drive units per week.”

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Its delivery of 83,500 vehicles also marks a significant jump forward for the company.

“To put this in perspective, in just Q3, we delivered more than 80% of the vehicles that we delivered in all of 2017, and we delivered about twice as many Model 3s as we did in all previous quarters combined,” Tesla’s statement read.

It added:

“With production stabilized, delivery and outbound vehicle logistics were our main challenges during Q3. We made many improvements to these processes throughout the quarter, and plan to make further improvements in Q4 so that we can scale successfully.”

“As part of this effort, we plan to continue to expand direct deliveries to customers at their home or office, a service we launched in Q3 to improve customer convenience.”


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