Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Recent Grad
1. They're happier.
A recent study by Reuters proved that a college education leads to better health, and an overall happier person. College has challenged the young mind with a flurry of deadlines, unreasonable workloads and seemingly insurmountable financial demands—and the graduate survived. Not only does the recent grad feel like a hero, he is equipped with an inflated, joyous confidence necessary in enduring the depressing drone of the bottom rung, cubicle confined life.
2. They're optimistic
Recent college grads have not suffered their share of the depressing toll of the, “real world,” that often crushes older employees. These candidates are oozing with excitement, and college inflated their perceptions about what is possible—and reality has not yet trampled those hopes and dreams. Don’t kid yourself-- this is the ideal attitude you are looking for in an employee. No, you may not relate to them, but you don’t have to. You just have to tell them what to do, and watch as they go above and beyond, leaps and bounds above your expectations. Remember, they watch a lot of TV, and will likely respond to unreasonable demands with the heroic—albeit mimicked—focus of a doctor preparing for surgery on Grey’s Anatomy.
3. They’re Cheap
The majority of recent college graduates have never earned any substantial amount of money -- ever. Simply put: they are green to the green. They have no understanding of how little you are paying them. Chances are, a skimpy paycheck that would send a seasoned candidate running for the hills, will make a recent college grad grin ear-to-ear with grateful enthusiasm. Many recent grads feel crippled by the pressure of their ever-compounding student loan interest, and will keep any job that will keep their Sally Mae collection agents at bay. Most of them will take years to get over the joy of being able to afford a lunchtime sandwich and a happy hour beer. And we both know fiscal gratitude is the KEY to a productive employee.
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4. They're Savvy.
Just because recent grads are cheap does not mean they are valueless. In fact, most recent graduates possess a masterful knowledge of emerging technology that would have made a hacker a legend ten years ago. Social media, computer programs, web-building, and Google resourcefulness are second nature to most college graduates. Like my UCLA commencement speaker proclaimed to my graduating class, “Congratulations! You have all successfully Googled your way to a college degree.” Capitalize on their insight into the emerging digital culture; reap the rewards of their knowledge!
5. They're Trainable.
While recent graduates are enthusiastic, resourceful and insightful—they are also highly trainable. Keep in mind-- these spring chickens do not know any better! Teach them to do a job that used to take five people to do—they will think an eighteen hour, overtime exempt work day is perfectly normal. In fact, they will probably thrive off of the challenge of an ever-impending work load. On a financial note--unfortunately, it is illegal to exploit monkeys for labor, but thankfully, it is not illegal to exploit unpaid interns. Bring that brilliant factoid up at the next budgetary meeting, and you are bound to be met with unanimous applause.