US Defense Department appoints new CIO

By Pouyan Broukhim

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has appointed the experienced Essye Miller as its new Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Miller has been appointed due to her expertise, currently serving as both the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) for Cybersecurity and the DoD’s Senior Information Security Officer (SISO) – responsibilities that she will retain, despite becoming the CIO of the DoD.

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Miller will become the primary advisor to the Secretary of Defense for several matters in her new position, becoming responsible those concerning information management, assurance and technology; space systems, including satellite communications and navigation; and telecommunications.

Prior to joining the Department, Miller stood as the Director of Cybersecurity for the US Army, as well as acting as the Army’s Senior Information Assurance Officer.

Further, she also previously worked as the Director of Information Management and the CIO for Headquarters Air Force between November 2010 and August 2014.

Miller’s new appointment has already commenced, having been effective 8 December 2017.


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