Water Supply Management Encouraged in Canada

By Bizclik Editor


The National Round Table on Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) announced today its conclusions on water supply management study. To ensure a sustainable water supply, NRTEE recommends government collaboration in the development and a distribution of a Canadian Water Outlook.

Stating that the natural resources sectors utilize about 86 per cent of Canada’s overall water resources, NRTEE additionally recommends further exploration of water pricing to amplify and encourage the reduction of water use.

These conclusions are explained in a recently released NRTEE report titled ‘Charting a Course: Sustainable Water use by Canada’s natural Resource Sectors.’ Explaining that Canada should recognize that water is economically valuable, The NRTEE has outlined ways the country could better understand water’s value, manage the resource, and sustain water use in Canada for the future. This report is the NRT’s second report upon sustainable water and further explains what policy makers should focus on in regards to water as a resource.

Offering recommendations as well as solutions to government officials, the report is clearly a valuable resource to legislative decision makers.



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“While a shortage of water is not an imminent issue facing Canada, the overall demand by the natural resource sectors is increasing, said NRT Vice-Chair Mark Parent.  “This represents an opportunity for Canada to get ahead of a future problem and proactively take steps towards sustainable water governance and management."

To even further manage the upcoming water issues, the NRT is hosting an event on January 12th, in Ottawa, to convene experts from across the country to discuss a national action plan on implementing the report’s recommendations. 


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