Is your career future-proof?

By anna smith

Answer the following questions as you perceive your career is today, not how you might wish it to be.

1. What is your reputation as a leader?

a. I'm the go-to person, others see my work as critical to the team's/business' success.
b. I'm reliable. If they need me, they know where to find me.
c. I have no idea. I work independently with little interaction with my colleagues.

2. Describe your level of empowerment.

a. I feel empowered, and am treated as an intelligent, valuable member of the team.
b. I know when to stay within my job description and when it is OK to step out of my lane.
c. I'm just a number at work. I keep my head down.

3. When I imagine my future career 

a. I am regularly reinventing myself and have had multiple careers.
b. I am working steadily to become the expert in my field.
c. I will still have a job

4. Related to my talents and unique value...

a. I recognize that I am part of the global talent pool and work to ensure others can see my unique value.
b. I'm in competition with my immediate colleagues for the next opportunity.
c. If I just work hard, I will get promoted.

5. My purpose...

a. I am excited for the future. I understand the purpose and value I bring to my role, the team, and the organization.
b. I'm nervous yet curious about the future. I'm not sure whether my role (or this company) will stand the test of time.
c. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed when I think of the future.

6. How do you manage relationships?

a. I engage as an ally. I actively nurture my professional network and relationships.
b. I reach out to my contacts when I need something, and the occasional happy hour.
c. I come here to work, not to build relationships.

7. My perspective on diversity & inclusion...

a. I seek out different opinions and have a broad, diverse network.
b. I accept invitations from others to join their network.
c. My network includes some of my current and previous colleagues.

8. How to you leverage technology?

a. I am a tech guru! I embrace technology and seek out opportunities to integrate it into my life and work.
b. I like technology. I wait to see what others find useful and then consider whether to follow.
c. Ugh, I have 3,000 unread emails. I don't have time for social media or the latest gadget.

9. My approach to learning is...

a. I'm highly curious and continuously invest in my own learning to support my current and future career needs.
b. I like to get a deep knowledge and learn about my current area of expertise.
c. I don't have time to learn, I have "real work" to do!

10. My type of workplace...

a. Coffee, connectivity, chocolate. Somewhere that allows me to collaborate or find a quiet space as appropriate.
b. Corner office, parking space, key to the executive washroom. I've worked hard for the perks offered at my office.
c. Stapler, paper clips, free pens. I have what i need to get by.

11. Describe your overall outlook toward your future-proof career.

a. I'm focused on the career lattice - opportunities to move up/down and across.
b. I'm focused on achieving the next rung on the career ladder.
c. I'm focused on keeping a job (and I'm keeping the stapler).

How future-proof is your career?

Mostly A's - congratulations on you seem prepared for the 21st Century Career. Read The Future-Proof Workplace for additional insights to accelerate your impact. 

Mostly B's - you have work to do and seem to be stuck in the 20th Century. Read The Future-Proof Workplace for insights and actions that will help you navigate the new work order.

Mostly C's - it's not too late to embrace the changes happening in the world of work. Read The Future-Proof Workplace for insights and actions that will prevent you from becoming obsolete.


This quiz was written by the authors of The Future-Proof Workplace, Morag Barrett and Dr. Linda Sharkey.


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