Sprint and Samsung to release first 5G handset in Summer 2019

By Marcus Lawrence

Sprint announced this week that Korean tech manufacturer Samsung will launch its first 5G-ready smartphone this summer. 

This launch window was confirmed by Samsung CEO HS Kim at a press conference, ZDNet reported, who added that the firm is continuing to invest in research and development into the technology and that it remains focused on AI development and integration.

"Our experience and effort have compelled commercialisation of 5G forward. In the US we're helping major carriers roll out 5G," Kim said, according to ZDNet.

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While Samsung continues to trial 5G with firms in other markets, Sprint noted in its press release that its customers will be among the first in the world to experience the speed and reliability of a 5G network.

"We are proud that our longstanding relationship with Samsung has delivered some of the most innovative mobile technologies to our customers over the years – and this tradition continues with 5G," said Dr. John Saw, Sprint’s Chief Technology Officer, in the press release.

"Samsung is one of our key 5G network infrastructure Massive MIMO providers, so we are delighted that they will also deliver one of our first 5G smartphones, putting blazing fast connectivity right into our customers’ hands."


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