What If You Could Never Hear About Snooki Again?

By Bizclik Editor

Sometimes after a long day at work all we want to do is turn on the TV, watch our favorite show and relax – not hear the latest updates about Kim Kardashian’s ultra chic and ridiculously expensive wedding. It seems like reality stars and celebrities alike are taking over the world. Not only are they all over the web, but you can’t turn on your TV without hearing the latest celebrity gossip.

But there is a new gadget that may be able to solve this problem. Make’s Matt Richardson has developed a device that mutes his television every time unwanted celebrity chatter comes on. Using basic open-source circuit boards, Richardson was able to build a system that operates by tracking the text in the closed captions that are broadcasted along with the video signals, reports Business Insider.

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This nifty device is called “Enough Already.” So when keywords like “Kardashian” or “The Situation” (or basically any other celebrity that you’re tired of hearing about and want deleted from your viewing experience) appear, the TV automatically mutes for 30 seconds.

While this device was recently developed and hasn’t officially hit the market yet, you can make it yourself. The process is a little tech-intensive, but can be well worth the effort.

Check out this video of Richardson giving a step-by-step tutorial on how to make “Enough Already.”



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