Amazon releases Print Magazine Subscription Manager

By Bizclik Editor


Amazon announced this week that its customers can now manage all of their print magazine subscriptions in one place using the Amazon Print Magazine Subscription Manager. Customers can easily make changes to their address, cancel, renew, track expiration dates, or report a problem for all their magazine subscriptions. These features have been available for subscriptions purchased on since 2009 and are now available for all print magazines, regardless of where they were purchased.

"Customers rave about our Print Magazine Subscription Manager because it makes something that used to be a hassle - like updating your address or reporting a missed issue - really easy," said Sean Gorman, Director of Periodicals. "We didn't want to limit the benefits of this service to Amazon magazine subscriptions, so now we've extended it to magazines purchased anywhere."

While it seems that everyone is moving toward the digital age and print magazine sales may be on the downward spiral, there is still a major population of consumers and executives who purchase and subscribe to magazines on a monthly basis. More so, business leaders are using print media as a new channel to market their brands and executive management teams so there seems to be a rise in traditional magazines again.

To get started, customers can visit Print Magazine Subscription Manager. Any magazine available in the Amazon Magazines store can be added. 


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