WestJet announces record load factor last month

By tarvicn vicn

The Canadian airline, WestJet, has revealed it reached record levels for its load factor last month.

The company’s load factor for March 2019 rose to 87%, an increase of 1.4 percentage points year on year.

The firm’s revenue passenger miles (RPMs) increased by 7.3% from the previous year, rising from 2.409bn in 2018 to 2.585bn in 2019.

The business’s capacity, which it measures in avail seat miles (ASMs) expanded by 5.5% during the review period – increasing from 2.815bn to 2.971bn.


In regards to guests, WestJet saw its figure increase by 104,000 during the year, marking a rise of 4.8%.

“We have adjusted our schedule to minimize guest disruption in response to the grounding of our 13 MAX aircraft and continue to work closely with all parties to enable a safe return to the skies,” said Ed Sims, President and CEO of WestJet.

“I want to thank all of our guests for their continued loyalty and all WestJetters for their ongoing commitment to providing award-winning service through this challenging period.”


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