Outbid Partners with Kaazing to Create Online Auction Service

By Bizclik Editor


Outbid, an online auction website that provides users live auctions on the web or via mobile device, has announced that to create their next generation service they’re utilizing Kaazing’s HTML5 Edition 3.5.

Outbid combines “theatre and transparency of live event auctions with the best of what the web can offer,” stating that its service offers convenient accessibility, global reach, and social and gaming interactivity. Like a live in-person auction, Outbid incorporates an auctioneer chosen by the seller and provides users a lobby to mingle and review auction items, chat, and bid.

“We chose Kaazing because they pioneered HTML5 WebSocket,” said Bob Lee, Chief Product Officer, Outbid.com. “We were impressed with its customer base and enterprise-level features including security, emulation, API libraries, and more. We knew if we were to create a next-generation live auction experience, we needed next-generation software to support instant bidding, rapid transactions, and live chat.  Kaazing was the ideal solution.”

Kaazing’s HTML5 3.5 edition delivers dynamic data to and from the web and mobile devices and utilizes enterprise-level security to provide high performance services.

“We are extremely excited to be partnering with Outbid.com to enable its live bidding and chat experiences,” said John Donnelly III, Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Business Development, Kaazing. “This innovative leader is changing the way commerce is done on the web today, going beyond ‘transactional’ to a truly superior buying experience combining interactivity, gaming, social, and the thrill of outbidding your opponents. Our clients like Outbid have raised the bar when it comes to user experiences from real-time bidding, trading, monitoring, tracking, notifications, and gaming.”


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