Six contractors named for Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

By zaymalz malz

Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd. has announced the selection or signing of MoUs with six contractors who will be tasked with the construction of Trans Mountain’s pipeline expansion project.

The contractors named are Midwest Pipelines Inc., Ledcor Sicim Limited Partnership, Surerus Murphy Joint Venture, Macro Spiecapag Joint Venture,  Somerville-Aecon Energy Group and Kiewit Ledcor TMEP Partnership.

The contractors will be distributed across multiple sections along the route between Edmonton, Alberta and Burnaby, BC, expected to directly hire sub-contractors needed.

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“Getting the construction contractors on board represents a significant milestone for Trans Mountain and demonstrates our commitment to delivering the Project in a timely, cost-effective manner,” said Ian Anderson, President of Kinder Morgan Canada Limited.

“We’re pleased with the caliber and experience of the contractors. Each contractor was chosen for its expertise in delivering quality work and the individual needs and complexities of each portion of the Project.”

The work, set to begin this month, provided its approval from the National Energy board is maintained in the face of 452 statements of opposition, is expected to take approximately 28 months.


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