Back to Business: Vancouver Publisher Finds Success with Old Genre

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It’s all about business! At least, it’s all about business for Chris Labontѐ and his publishing partner, Richard Nadeau. Together, the two have branched off from Figure 1 Publishing and launched Figure 1 Business. The result? The two have found success, as there still seems to be a need for books regarding business in Canada.

The Brave Move that Paid Off

Today, publishing houses seem to be focusing all of their energy and efforts on celebrity authors. However, Labontѐ believed that there was something lacking in the publishing world—books that were well written and had something important or valuable to say. Therefore, Labontѐ and Nadeau, both prior senior managers with Douglas & McIntyre, decided to pursue Figure 1 Business.

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The key to Labontѐ and Nadeau’s success lies in creative marketing. In fact, the way a book is marketed is important for any genre—not just business. To properly break into the business market, the two have explored what they call “entrepreneurial” publishing: a combination of both traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Therefore, Figure 1 Business partners with business writers who already have a fan base in which books can be sold directly to readers. It’s important to make sure that the books are not only professionally produced, but that they can also be distributed accurately.

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Through traditional publishing, entrepreneurial publishing and corporate publishing, Figure 1 Business has been able to reach audiences with their books about business. Pricing depends on the book itself; all Figure 1 Business books are distributed by Raincoast Books in Canada, as well as by Publishers Group West in the United States.

Figured 1 Business launched with 10 book deals this month—five have already been published. 

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