Oil and gas on the cutting edge

By Sasha Orman

“We started our company with three core values: first being innovation, second being operational excellence, and third being customer intimacy,” says Dan Themig, President and CEO at Packers Plus. When that company was formed in 2000, it was a small startup. Today it is one of the largest companies in its industry, with nearly a thousand employees and a strong reputation for creative and progressive tooling in the oil and gas industry.

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“If you ask most people about Packers Plus and what we’re known for, it’s bringing real game changing innovation to the industry,” says Themig. “One of the reasons that North America now has a plentiful supply of natural gas, as well as a plentiful supply of oil, is because of some of the innovations our company has brought forward.”

With further growth in the works and new territories to work with, Packers Plus has plans to keep bringing that innovation to the industry it supports.

Growing in Houston

“One thing we believe in is being close to our customer base,” says Marlon Leggott, Chief Production Officer at Packers Plus. This explains the company’s large presence in Alberta, close to Canada’s natural gas and oil fields, as well as its satellite operations in critical regions from Saskatchewan and Williston to Dubai. It also explains the new larger Packers Plus facility that is currently under construction in Houston, Texas. Featuring an engineering and manufacturing campus on site, Packers Plus is confident that the new facility will . . . Click here to read the rest of the article on Business Review Canada

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