E.ON adds Texan wind farm to its renewable portfolio

By Sumit Modi

The 20th wind farm that E.ON has put into operation in the US, Colbeck’s Corner is set to be a huge industrial-scale onshore farm, located near Amarillo, Texas.

The project has an installed capacity of 200 megawatts, with 112 turbines that can generate enough power to supply 64,000 households with C02-neutral electricity.

E.ON has drastically reduce the costs of onshore wind power with this project. The budget for Colbeck’s Corner is 40 percent below investments in 2009’s Pyron wind farm.

Wind-powered electricity is an attractive prospect in the US. Already Colbeck’s Corner has garnered attention from Digital Reality – a global data center provider – which has signed a long-term contract to secure a 400,000 gigawatt annual supply from it.

E.ON has built wind projects amounting to 3 gigawatts altogether across North America, and is a primary operator off onshore wind farms in the US. This particular project was named in honor of the late Doug Colbeck, a E.ON employee and wind farm developer.


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