Verizon: investing in public safety

By Brittany Hill

When it comes to public safety communication, strategic coordination, situational awareness and intelligent deployment of resources is essential.

With nationwide rollout of 5G firmly underway, Verizon sets its ambitious to harness next-generation connectivity to help decision makers at the local, state and federal levels to make communities not only safer, but smarter too.

Vital ways Verizon technology can improve public safety:

By utilising Verizon’s 5G ultra wideband and Verizon’s  IoT sensors, first responders can harness its low latency ability and near real time data gathering and sharing to act and respond to critical information more efficiently. “An ambulance could provide diagnostics to a waiting team of ER doctors before the patient reaches the hospital” or, “a squad car could send video to headquarters, signaling the need for backup more quickly than describing the scene over a radio call,” comments Verizon. In addition, 5G-powered drones can provide high quality imagery from disaster areas, streamlining search and  rescue mission, aerial aid drops and mass evacuation efforts.


When it comes to preparing communities for the worst, public safety communication is key. Verizon’s 5G ultra wideband can provide connectivity during times of crisis. 5G can help make computer vision and augmented reality training tools available to first responders to simulate emergency events. In addition, 5G can help to increase environmental awareness via intelligent video and AI-assisted analysis. The ability to deploy more cameras in tighter spaces with near real time information public safety can besignificalty altered.

Verizon’s 5G First Responder Lab uses 5G to develop, test and refine first responder applications, to innovate next generation life-saving public safety technology including AI-powered autonomous security solutions and  wall-penetrating radar for rescue operations. Verizon has also partnered with Tom Tom HD Maps, to reduce estimated accidents of  6,500 involving ambulances and 300 involving police cruisers each year. Tom Tom and Verizon aim to utilise 5G’s low latency as well as near real time 3D visualisation and corral communication to provide reliability and accuracy.

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