Best of 2012: PIPA and SOPA Co-Sponsors Use Facebook to Abandon Bills

By Bizclik Editor


This week we are highlighting the top stories for Business Review North America in 2012. Check back to see which stories make the cut.

In early January 2012, the Internet community was threatened by the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) bills. Generating a lot of attention about the regulation of online piracy, many of the Internet audience thought the bills went too far in censoring the Internet, including some famous websites.

This led Google, Reddit and Wikipedia to blackout their page in protest on January 18th, an effective call to action of their communities’ involvement in the debate.

Business Review North America’s most popular story of 2012 detailed the path U.S. Congress members took in abandoning each bill after the blackouts took effect.

See the story here:


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